Friday, March 11, 2011

I think it is time to correct a widely held misconception. Sweet gentle people are not pushovers. They actually have quite a streak of steel under their gentle exterior. They have learned to be strong because the gentle sympathetic part of them does cause them pain from time to time, but if they use it right, it just serves to make them stronger and increases their ability to care for others.

It also makes them wise, for you see, they are very smart. They may not react to things the way others do, but they don't feel them any less. In fact, it's possible they actually feel them more acutely because of who they are.

They know life is very short so try to forgive quickly and not waste time being upset over things that don't really matter. However, they will not hesitate to act for what is right and stand up for the truth when the occasion calls for it, gentle or not.

Above all, they believe kindness is always the best policy and graciousness and reacting with class is always in style.