Monday, November 22, 2010


For my single friends:

I am going to share one of my keys to happiness with you. Men and women are like ships that pass each other in the night. Every once in a while, one will blink its lights at you, and then you can choose whether to blink back. Warning to all female ships: unless the male ship makes it VERY clear they are not just doing friendly blinking but are following you in to port and putting down the anchor, don't expect it! You will save yourself lots of storms this way and enjoy smoother sailing.

Male ships should blink first, in my opinion, not vice versa. I could care less that we live in 2010 and not 1900. Men should initiate and lead, that’s their job.

So enjoy to the fullest your sail through the sea. Whether you sail in a fleet or alone, get to know as many fleets of ships as you can and benefit from all they can teach you. Take advantage of every opportunity you have to give and serve, you have no guarantee you will have that chance again.

If it is in the plan of the Master of the sea, a special ship will come your way at the right time and sail with you until you both put your anchor down for the last time.

If the special ship never comes, the Master has something better, something you can do more effectively by sailing alone. And of course, you won’t really ever be alone, for the Master of the Sea will sail ahead of you and beside you always.

I felt very prompted to share this today, I’ve no clue why, but perhaps you do.

I will tell you I know very few people as happy as I am in the season of life I am sailing in and I believe it is because of the above belief that charts my course. :)

Thursday, January 21, 2010

The happiness that comes after a long wait, many tears, and much heartache is truly indescribable. It sinks in slowly and is full of so many emotions. There is a joy and love for others that only comes by walking in the valley of the shadow. I have walked several valleys this past year and I can say with all my heart, suffering gives so much more than it takes, if you will only let our Father do His work in you!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year

May 2010 hold all sorts of lovely things for you. Happy New Year!!!!